I am a student at TYWLS of the Bronx. I am learning remotely and trying to manage stress and stay calm. During this remote learning I've learned that staying organize is very helpful. I have very useful tips that could change your life.
You should use an Agenda Book by writing down important information, like: homework, meetings you have to attend, assignments, projects. You should use the agenda book for the entire week so you know what you need to do.
I have a reminder on my phone to fill out the Remote Learning Attendance Form because when we first started I was forgetting and they were calling my house.
I set reminders on my phone for Zoom Meetings. I think it helps to put reminders on your phone because it helps you to know what you are supposed to do next, and to give you a heads up before you forget something. I forget things really fast, so this helps me remember!
You should create a schedule by seeing what time you are available and ready to work. This really helps because I have more time for my family and friends. It also makes me feel more accomplished and it is easier for me to track my progress. Create a schedule that works best for you!